Before you can create a syndicate, you need to create a captain profile. Click on the create button and add a captain name and avatar image. Your captain name needs to be different than your account username.
The next time you click on the create tab, you will be taken to the list of open pools where you can select which pool to create a syndicate ticket for. You can then make your selections, choose the stake per line as when playing solo and click “Continue”. The final step is to add your contribution to the Syndicate, which must be between 10% and 50% of the overall ticket cost. You can top up your initial contribution any time while the syndicate ticket is still available to fund but you can never exceed a total of 50% of the overall ticket cost.
You can join a Syndicate by navigating to the ‘Syndicates’ tab and browsing the list of available Syndicates. Click on a Syndicate to view the ticket selections. You can contribute using either one of the suggested bet amounts or the free form box to type in your own contribution. You can join Syndicates from as little as £0.20.