You can see your Tote Credit balance next to your cash balance. Any eligible Tote Credit can be applied in your bet slip by tapping the icon.
Follow these steps:
Log in to your account using the 'Log In' button.
You will see Tote Credit next to your cash balance, for full detail you can access this in “promotions” within “my account” which will show all Tote Credit available on your account
Make your selection(s) as usual & enter your stake
On the Bet Slip, you will see the yellow tote credit, press on the slider to use your tote credit balance
You can also add a cash stake in the stake field should you wish to place a bet with part cash and Tote Credit.
Click 'Place Bet' to place.
NOTE Some Tote Credit will have restrictions and can only be applied to specific racing selections depending on the terms and conditions of the promotion. For example, some Tote Credit can only be used on selected products for example ‘Placepot’